Spatial Cognitive Metronome LLC

A Revolution in

Music Pedagogy

and Spatial Cognition

Introducing the World's First Fully Immersive Three Dimensional Virtual Sphere Spatial Music Cognition Metronome

metronome blue

“This is a peculiarity of all so-called undulatory motions. Suppose a stone to be thrown into a piece of calm water. Round the spot struck there forms a little ring of wave, which, advancing equally in all directions, expands to a constantly increasing circle. Corresponding to this ring of wave, sound also proceeds in the air from the excited point and advances in all directions as far as the limits of the mass of air extend. The process in the air is essentially identical with that as on the surface of the water. The principle difference consists in the spherical propagation of sound in all directions through the atmosphere which fills all surrounding space, whereas the waves of the water can only advance in rings or circles on its surface.”

Patrick Downey Headshot (1)

Patrick Downey

President + ceo
Inventor + Musician

Patrick Downey is the Inventor of the world’s first Fully Immersive Three-Dimensional Virtual Sphere Music Cognition Metronome. On January 24, 2017, Patrick Downey was granted a 30 claim Patent regarding his invention. The Patent is good until June 1, 2036.

Walter (1)

Walter Clissen

Vice President
Producer + Audio Engineer

Walter Clissen is an audio engineer, producer, and academic with immense experience in the audio engineering world. Walter Clissen was instrumental in creating the Audio Demonstration Files of this invention, available upon request. 

“I begin to perceive these minute details when I can sustain close attention and a gradual process invites my sustained attention. By ‘gradual’ I mean extremely gradual; a process happening so slowly and gradually that listening to it resembles watching a minute hand on a watch – you can perceive it moving after you stay with it a little while.” 

Steve Reich, Writings on Music 1965 – 2000, 2b Music As A Gradual Process (1968), page 36.

Request More Information

Audio Demonstration Files have been created that demonstrate the concepts, principles, and applications of this invention.

These Audio Demonstation Files will be made available upon request for those making serious inquiry.